LyricsXpert connects your PC to your digital media device (iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc.) easily and quickly. If it works with iTunes, it works with us.
LyricsXpert Supports Lyrics in All Languages.
Want to See a LyricsXpert App for Macs? So Would We. Do we bombard you with advertising? No. Do we charge a monthly fee? No. Why not? Because those things hinder the information-sharing music-loving experience we aim for.
We believe that information access should be free, therefore LyrcisXpert is a free app. Sadly, the development of apps is not a free process. How can you help? All donations we receive go directly to our "Build a LyricsXpert App for Macs Fund" (we're trying to come up with a shorter name for this fund, but you get the picture). Believe us, we want to help Mac users as soon as possible. By donating to LyricsXpert, you can help us help you.