For a step-by-step guide on using LyricsXpert to its fullest capacity, click here .
For general life inquiries, the answer you seek is here.
We know that technology can be confusing and/or temperamental sometimes. Although we have designed LyricsXpert to be user-friendly and intuitive, we are always open to hearing suggestions and offering help on using the app. After all, the app is for you; you are an important part of the LyricsXpert community.
Compatibility Information: The minimal requirements for LyricsXpert are:
iTunes [Ver. 9 & up]
Windows that runs iTunes.
Want to see a LyricsXpert app for Macs?So would we.
_Love us? Show us.
LyricsXpert is a free app, and we would like it to stay that way.
Do we bombard you with advertising? No. Do we charge you a monthly fee? No. Why not? Because those things hinder the information-sharing, music-loving experience we aim for.
We believe that access to information should be free, therefore LyricsXpert is a free app. Sadly, the development of apps is not a free process.
How can you help? Despite our expenses of maintaining a database, paying rent, and eating, all donations we receive go directly to our "Build a
LyricsXpert App for Macs Fund" (we're trying to come up with a shorter
name for this fund, but you get the picture).
You can see where our priorities are, right?
By donating to LyricsXpert, you help us to help you.
Click the "Donate" button at the top of the screen to donate ANY amount you see fit through PayPal. Many apps that are similar to LyricsXpert charge a fee for this service, we simply ask (with a nod to Radiohead) you can give us what you think the app deserves.